The role of the FED in comparison with the ECB
Projekt12 s. / 3. roč. / docx
Central bank is a (private, national or private-state) bank, which is responsible for issuing national currency, direct or indirect influencing the amount of money in the circulation, influencing and setting interest rates and regulating and supervising banks in the state or the group of states. It can also lend money to other banks if they have liquidity problems and it acts as a lender of last resort to banks during financial crisis.
The main role of central banks in many states is to ensure ...
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Fiscal Decentralization in Slovak Republic
Seminárna práca12 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Department of the Exchequer had prepared the new financial system communities and Self-Governing Region, whose main part is to strengthen tax receipts from communities and to determine tax receipts from Self-Governing Region. New financial system will strengthen the independence and responsibility of territorial autonomy by making decisions about using public sources to delivering services for citizens. The territorial autonomy does not get subsidy from state budget, but its power will be financ...
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Slovakia´s accession to the EU and its impact on the current socio-economic development
Seminárna práca10 s. / 1. roč. / doc
The accession to the European Union has been a unique historical chance and an existential necessity, which, from the standpoint of national and state interests, had no reasonable alternative. The basic goal of the present study was to elaborate relatively comprehensive scientific arguments on economic and social contexts explaining the existential necessity of Slovakia’s political and strategic direction to the EU. At the same time, it attempts to provide a balanced view of both the benefits an...
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The annual report of The HypoVereinsbank - Výročná správa HVB
Semestrálna práca18 s. / 2. roč. / doc
HypoVereinsbank ProfilHypoVereinsbank je jednou z vedúcich finančných inštitúcií v Nemecku. Naše hlavné schopnosti pokrývajú bankovníctvo pre súkromné osoby, inštitúcie, obchodné financovanie nehnuteľností, majetkový manažment a medzinárodné kapitálové trhy. Zákazník je hlavným bodom všetkých naších aktivít. Sme zaviazaný zabezpečiť našich zákazníkov excelentnými, inovatívnymi a rýchlymi riešeniami naprieč všetkými obchodnými odvetviami. HypoVereinsbank patrí do Európskej skupiny UniCredit. Táto...
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Microsoft’s antitrust trials: What was really going on in the trial of the century?
Seminárna práca10 s. / 1. roč. / doc
Microsoft company was registered in the middle of the 70’s. Its father Bill Gates was raised in the small city in the state of Kansas. His dream when he was young wasn’t to become one of the richest man all over the world. Nevertheless, this has become the truth now.The Microsoft Corporation started to manufacture their own product in the early 80’s. This first product was the disk operating system (DOS) called MS DOS (MS stands for Microsoft). As their first sells became successful, Microsoft C...
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Prospects of the European Social Capital Development
Semestrálna práca17 s. / - roč. / pdf
Nowadays, the problem of social capital has become much more important than we could expect at the beginning of its theoretical development in the mid-eighties. Notion of human capital has become already quite popular in many countries and companies: thanks to the globalisation, investments increase and political or world companies’ leaders have realized investment in people’s knowledge and professional experience is very important. But in addition to the human and investment capital there is an...
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Vypracované témy na skúšku unicert B2 z anglického jazyka
Vypracované otázky28 s. / 2. roč. / doc
1. Holidays, festivals and traditions During year we celebrate many feats. These feats are different in varius countires. So, first I will speak about feasts in Britain. On January 1st people in Great Britain celebrate New Year's day. On February 14th is Valentine's day. It's lovers day. On this day young people send Valentine cards to a person of opposite sex. They cards are funny and have contents such as "I'll be your sweetheart and Be your Valentine".On April 1st is All fool's day. This day ...
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Lisabonská zmluva a jazyky v EÚ - Common european framework for languages and its role from the Lisbon strategy perspective
Semestrálna práca17 s. / 3. roč. / doc
The peoples of Europe are building a single Union out of many diverse nations, communities, cultures and language groups; it is a Union built around the equal interchange of ideas and traditions and founded upon the mutual acceptance of peoples with different histories but a common future. Within a very short time, the European Union will undergo its most significant enlargement to date. The new Union will be home to 450 million Europeans from diverse ethnic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds....
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Electronic banking (e-banking)
Seminárna práca26 s. / 5. roč. / doc
Electronic banking is term used to describe a service that allows an account holder to obtain account information and manage certain banking transactions through a personal computer via the financial institution's Web site on the Internet and other telecommunication equipments such as telephone, mobil and fax.
The usage of e-banking has been risen rapidly in the recent last years as the consequence of development of society, mainly the sector IT (information technology).
For this reaso...
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English Conditionals - Podmienkové vety v angličtine
Poznámky14 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Zoznam podmienkových viet + ich charakteristika + vysvetlenie + príklady.Ukážka:Present Real ConditionalFORM[If / When ... Simple Present ..., ... Simple Present ...][... Simple Present ... if / when ... Simple Present ...]USEThe Present Real Conditional is used to talk about what you normally do in real-life situations.Examples:• If I go to a friend's house for dinner, I usually take a bottle of wine or some flowers.• When I have a day off from work, I often go to the beach.• If the weather is ...
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Vypracované maturitné témy z anglického jazyka
Maturitné otázky27 s. / 4. roč. / doc
My name is Blanka Kurková and I have one brother, mother and stepfather. I have been studying Grammar school in Hodonín. I was born on 12th May 1978. I am quite tall and not fat. I have brown hair, round face with brown eyes and small nose. I was wearing glasses but I was on operation, so I don’t need them now. When I was a child, I was very cheeky and naughty. On primary schools I used to bring home notes from my teacher: “She fights on pauses.” “She broke the window. Come and repair it, please...
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English for business studies - Teachers book
Skriptá23 s. / 1. roč. / pdf
As mentioned in the Introduction, the units in the Student's Book are grouped according to subject matter: management, production, marketing, finance, and economics. This first introductory unit is more general. It covers a lot of basic vocabulary concerning developed economies, much of it in an extract from a well-known British novel. It also discusses the evolution of the economy of most of the older industrialized countries, with the decline of manufacturing industry and its replacement by se...
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English for Business studies - key
Ťahák70 s. / 2. roč. / zip
Key to Unit 01: The three sectors of the economy This unit covers a lot of basic vocabulary concerning developed economies much of it in an extract from a well-known British novel. It also discusses the evolution of the economy of most of the older industrialized countries, with the decline of manufacturing industry and its replacement by services. There is an extract from a magazine interview with an economist and an interview with a British Member of Parliament on this issue. 1a Vocabulary p0...
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Anglický jazyk - Vypracované maturitné témy
Vypracované otázky65 s. / 4. roč. / zip
Great Britain1. The United Kingdom is situated on 2 main islands: Great Britain and Ireland. Great Britain consits of these countries: England - capital city is London, Scotland - the capital city is Edinburg, Wales - the capital city is Cardiff and Northern Ireland - the capital city is Belfast.This country has an area of 244 872 km2 and the population is about 59 milion inhabitants.The capital city is London and the currency is British Pound. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and...
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Product and price
Semestrálna práca17 s. / 2. roč. / doc
1 PRODUCT A product consists of the entire tangible and intangible characteristic provided in an exchange between a seller and a buyer. A product´s characteristic include not only its physical aspects but also its function, brand name, image, packaging, warranty, and price, as well as the provider’s reputation and customer service policy. Because different products are designed for different target markets, they require various pricing, distribution, and promotion decision. Marketers generally d...
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International terrorism and related concepts
Semestrálna práca14 s. / 2. roč. / doc
The fundamental importance of terrorism lies in fact that it means systematic use of
different types of armed violence or threat to use this violence as a basic instrument for
realization of political goals of the state or nongovernmental organizations, movements or
groups. These may be supported by state where their headquarters are located or they may receive financial and secret service support from governments abroad. They often provide these nongovernmental groups with training in gueril...
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Maturitné otázky z anglického jazyka
Maturitné otázky32 s. / 4. roč. / doc
Almost half of all British families own the houses in which they live. Of course, not everyone wishes to buy a house and renting is very common, too.
There are several types of houses in Britain: terraced, back-to-back, town houses, semi-detached, detached, bungalows and cottages.
Some people line in flats instead of houses. A flat is situated in the same building as other flats, often forming part of a block of flats or town house.
A typical British house is set in a small garden a...
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National Bank of Slovakia - semestrálna práca v anglickom jazyku
Seminárna práca9 s. / 1. roč. / doc
Spracovaná činnosť NBS, jej dohľad, atď. v anglickom jazyku.
About the National Bank of Slovakia
National bank of Slovakia is the central bank of the Slovak Republic.
Since 1 January 2009, National Bank of Slovakia has been part of the Eurosystem. In cooperation with the European Central Bank and central banks of the euro area countries, it maintains the price stability. Within the Eurosystem, National Bank of Slovakia fulfils tasks related to:
- monetary policy
- foreign exchange o...
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Communication at Work
Semestrálna práca13 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Práca je obsahovo zameraná na komunikáciu v práci. Zameriava sa na základne aspekty komunikácie na pracovisku . Poukazuje na dôležitosť komunikačného procesu a na základne chyby pri komunikácii a zdôraznenie spätnej väzby . Načrtáva rady na efektívnu komunikáciu a čo spôsobuje zlá komunikácia v živote človeka a najmä na pracovisku
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Dohár Péter - Kis angol nyelvtan
Skriptá141 s. / 1. roč. / pdf
I. TENSES Mint köztudott, minden nyelvben, így az angolban is, megkülönböztetnek ún. logikai időket (TIME) és igeidőket
(TENSE). Míg azonban számos nyelvben - így a magyarban is - e két idő nagyjából megegyezik, az angolban
élesen el kell határolni ezeket egymástól.
A magyar nyelvben három logikai időt (jelen, múlt, jövő), és manapság a köznyelvben ugyanennyi igeidőt
tartunk számon. Régebben létezett két fajta múlt idő, de az idők folyamán az ún. elbeszélő múlt (pl. "Ede
megevé ebédem"; Sza...
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English For Business Studies
Testy82 s. / 1. roč. / doc
Key to Unit 01: The three sectors of the economy
This unit covers a lot of basic vocabulary concerning developed economies much of it in an extract from a well-known British novel. It also discusses the evolution of the economy of most of the older industrialized countries, with the decline of manufacturing industry and its replacement by services. There is an extract from a magazine interview with an economist and an interview with a British Member of Parliament on this issue.
1a Vocabul...
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Religion as a way of life
Ročníková práca24 s. / - roč. / doc
If we want to start the discussion about religion and its effects we have at first to define it.
“Religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things (…) set apart and forbidden - beliefs and practices which unite into one single moral community called a Church all those who adhere to them”.
Since religious beliefs and practices have played a crucial role in evolution of the world we know today we should study it more to be able to predict future development.
The ...
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Carbon fiber program
Prezentácia13 s. / 2. roč. / ppt
In 1958, Dr. Roger Bacon created the first high performance carbon fibers at the Parma Technical Center outside of Cleveland, Ohio. Bacon's carbon fibers were mainly graphite whiskers that were sheets of graphite rolled into scrolls, they contained graphite sheets that were continuous over the entire length of the graphite filament. Bacon's development was a remarkable achievement at the time, but the cost to make high performance carbon fiber was very high. That is why scientists and manufactur...
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Banking - seminárna práca z predmetu Anglický jazyk
Seminárna práca10 s. / 1. roč. / doc
1. Banks 1.1. Banks and their functionA bank is an organisation, usually a corporation, that:- accepts deposits- makes loans- issues credit and debit cards- pays cheques - performs some other servicesA bank acts as a middleman between depositors and borrowers.A bank came into existence for1. economies of scale2. the banks take over the major risks related to monetary transactions3. the banks provide the main element of security for both depositors and borrowersBanking industry can be devided int...
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The product life cycle
Seminárna práca10 s. / 2. roč. / doc
All products and services have certain life cycles.The life cycle refers to the period from the product´s frist launch into the market until its final withdrawal and it is split up in phases. During this period significant changes are made in the way that the product is behaving into the market. Since an increase in profits is the major goal of a company that introduces a product into a market.The understanding of a product´s life cycle, can help a company to understand and realize when it is a ...
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Návod na použitie práčky (manuál v EN a SK jazyku)
Semestrálna práca5 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Semestrálna práca. Návod na použitie práčky v EN a SK jazyku.Washing machine (pracia práčka)1. Removal of the transport bracketThe washing unit is firmly connected with the cabinet during transport. Prior to switching the washing machine on, it is necessary to remove the packaging and to remove the washer from polystyrene plinth and remove the transport bracket from the back side of the washing machine (see the chapter How to remove the transport bracket).There is a danger of serious damages to ...
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History of the USA
Maturitné otázky13 s. / 4. roč. / doc
1. Early America
1.1 The first Americans
Round 34-35000 BC, at the height of Stone Age, much of the water was frozen, the Barents strait 1500 km wide was like a road from Siberia to Alaska, what enabled the first people to come to America. They were hunting for food - they followed the game to Alaska in order to survive, once in Alaska it would take thousands of years to get through the North America
Later on, round 12000 BC - life was probably established on the western hemisphere at th...
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The philosophy of web marketing
Seminárna práca9 s. / 1. roč. / doc
IntroductionWith dynamic development of web forms of communication, electronic publication and accessing information, in their actual globalization, the situation is dramatically changing also in area of information services and sources for marketing and business needs.Thanks to science and technical development, the strong communication instrument was brought into life of present - day human, the Internet. After its childhood it has reached the point, in which its versatility and multimediality...
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Maturitné témy- Anglický jazyk
Maturitné otázky32 s. / - roč. / docx
Jednoducho vypracované maturitné témy z anglického jazyka
Family is a base of the society. In the postwar years many families had 4 or 5 children, but now many young people think that 0 population growth. All family members have specific social roles with various duties and responsiblities. Domestic chores, such as cooking, shopping, cleaning, should not be for only to woman. In modern countries, boys normally help from childhood. A family consist of people who are socially relat...
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Products: The Basis of Commerce
Seminárna práca11 s. / 3. roč. / doc
The term product refers not only to the item itself, but also to its brand, packaging, and label. We can divide products to goods and services.
Goods are basicaly objects, they can be touched, stored, transported.
Services are usually some kind of actions.
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Angličtina (komplet gramatika, časy, členy, slovesá, atď.)
Študijný materiál114 s. / - roč. / doc
Podrobne rozobraná gramatika angličtiny vrátane všetkých časov ako aj modálnych slovies, predložiek atď.
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A job advertisement - Pracovný iznerát
Referát3 s. / 3. roč. / doc
Good afternoon dear colleagues. We will present our topic, which is about job advertisement. Nowadays, companies or employers can use many ways how to create an interest of potential employees. To get a passive candidate to apply for job that you offer you need to create an exciting job advertisement. There are some principals for creating interesting and inspiring job advertisement: arouse emotion, stress strenghts, emphasize opportunity, be optimistic, and keep it short. You have to keep on y...
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Anglický jazyk - maturita B1 - vypracované otázky
Maturitné otázky125 s. / - roč. / pdf
FAMILYPARENTS AND THEIR CHILDREN:Good parents look after their children. They should have a friendly relationship with them. I think that they should be wiilin to listen to their children when they need them and they should always help them. They should talk to them and try to find solutions to problems together. On the other hand, they should teach them to be polite and tolerant to other people. Good parents shouldn´t spoil their children.Problems between parents and their children - parents ca...
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Fotografovanie (prezentácia v anglickom jazyku)
Prezentácia11 s. / 2. roč. / zip
Na základe požiadaviek cvičiacej predmetu Anglický jazyk 1 (Mgr. Trnovcová) vypracovaná prezentácia na tému Photographing.Prezentácia úspešne prešla, bola ohodnotená za B.Okrem prezentácie (9 snímok) obsahuje aj .doc (2 strany).good morning ladies and gentlemenThe topic of my presentation today is photographing1 vocabulary:aperture - clonalens - objektív, šošovkashutter - uzávierkasheet of silver-plated copper coated in iodi
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Marketing - a process of developing, distributing and promoting the goods or services that satisfy the needs of customers.
Vypracované otázky2 s. / 3. roč. / doc
Marketing is a process of developing, distributing and promoting the goods or services that satisfy the needs of customers. It combines market research, new product development, distribution, advertising, promotion and so on.Before we start to produce a new product or service, we have to do a market research. It involves collecting and analysing information about the target market. Then we can easily decide what to produce and also how to persuade our potencional customers to buy our products or...
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European marketing environment
Seminárna práca7 s. / 2. roč. / doc
Marketing by its very nature, is an outward- looking discipline. As the interface between the organisation and the outside world, it has to balance internal capabilities and resources with the opportunities offered externally. Although the definition and understanding of the customer´s needs and wants are at the heart of the marketing philosophy, there are many factors influencing how those customer needs evolve, and affecting or constraining the organisation´s ability to meet those needs in a c...
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A Multicultural Society - Living in a cosmopolitan city
Seminárna práca5 s. / 2. roč. / doc
It is common that over the world live people together with different nationalities, colours of the skin and religious belief. When people with those differencies live together they form a multicultural society. The term multiculturalism refers to a state of both cultural and ethnic diversity within the demographics space. As opposite we can use the term monocultural nation or state, which means state with cultural unity or cultural homogeneity.Cosmopolitan Society/Cosmopolitan City - where peopl...
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London: historical monuments
Maturitné otázky7 s. / 4. roč. / doc
SPEAKER´S CORNER: Hyde Park is the personal property of the Queen, who inherited it from Henry VIII. It is one of the largest, the best known and most extensive parks in London. It was opened to the public by Charles I. and there is Speaker´s Corner, where variou orators come every Sunday morning. Speaker´s Corner quickly became a public institutions, acquiring international prestige and attracting the talents of speakers. It is listed in all the guidebooks to London. During the 18th century it ...
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Travelling and exercises
Vypracované otázky3 s. / 1. roč. / doc
Every day hundreds of people travel from one place to another. They travel to work, to school or on business. Many people travel for pleasure and travelling becomes one of the most popular hobbies. People can travel by these means of transport: by plane, by train, by bus, by coach, by car, by bicycle, by boat ship, by tram, by trolley-bus, by public transport, by balloons…
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Complete history of Great Britain
Poznámky8 s. / 3. roč. / doc
I. PRE-CELTIC PERIOD until 1066 (when William the Concqueror came to England)! celtic [keltik; seltik] - obidva spôsoby výslovnosti sú správne· first inhabitants (settlers, stone age men) came to Britain over the dry land (old stone age)· towards the end of ice age - mighty pre-historic river flouted (plávala, pretekala) the land joining (spojujúc) Britain & Europe - later the rivers Thames & Severn· first settlers were hunters· the Iberians came 3000-2000 B.C. from Mediterranean, they s...
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